Tag Archive for: Spaguetti Frutti di mare with Picual Olive Oil


Pour Las doscientas Picual extra olive oil on a pan, let it warm up and add the minced garlic until it gets brown. Once the garlic  is brown, add the shrimp, the mussels, the clams and the squid  and let it  cook with cover  on slow fire for about 10 minutes. Add some sea salt and basil; keep on stirring slowly until cooked. Add some more Olive oil, and a little more basil as needed.

Serve over you Spaghettis pasta and enjoy!


1/3 cup of

Picual or Lemon Extra Virgin Olive Oil

4-5 minced garlic clovers

11/2 lbs. of medium to large shrimp

1lb  mussels

1lb of squids

1lb of clams


sea salt