Las Doscientas Arbequina Olive Oil | Try w/Caesar Salad Dressings or Gruyère Cheese | Mild Flavor, Light Tasting | Perfect for Sauté | Bueno En Sartenes de Teflón Para Cocinar | Imported From Chile

Product Description


Has lifeless store-bought olive oil deadened your palate? Are you disappointed by overpriced, underwhelming “luxury” extra virgin olive oils?
Imagine a raw, unfiltered, unrefined olive oil that sent your taste buds to the moon… well-priced EVOO that invigorated your body, that created dishes your loved ones craved again and again.

Introducing Las Doscientas Cold-Pressed, Single-Estate 100% Extra Virgin Arbequina Olive Oil, brand-new to Amazon’s grocery.


Composed of the finest Arbequina olives, this non-GMO olive oil boasts a feathery-light texture, accented with notes of bright cherry tomatoes, green almonds, and arugula.

A fancy finishing oil, our Arbequina EVOO is ideal for eating and dipping breads, pastas, veggies, and snacks too.

Nestled in Chile’s renowned Maule Valley, an ideal microclimate for olive oil production, the Las Doscientas estate allows no more than four hours from the harvest to the start of processing, ensuring ultimate freshness and culinary excellence in the oil you’ll receive.

What is more, our EVOO is rich in polyphenols (235 mg/Kg), including hydroxytyrosol, a potent anticarcinogen and blood sugar stabilizer.
Order your first bottle today! Supplies are limited.

Compuesto de las más finas olivas de Arbequina, este aceite NON-GMO (no modificado genéticamente) cuenta con una textura ligera, como una pluma acentuada con notas de tomates cherry brillantes, almendras verdes y rúcula.

Un elegante aceite de acabado, Las 200 Arbequina AOVE también es ideal para mojar panes, pastas y bocadillos.

Ubicada en Chile, la finca de Las Doscientas no permite más de cuatro horas desde la cosecha hasta la primera etapa de procesamiento, asegurando la máxima frescura.

SPOIL YOUR TASTEBUDS: Super-power your paellas and brighten your raw veggies with our delicate Arbequina olive oil, which doubles as a delicious replacement for butter in cakes, creams, and desserts. | Dale superpoder a tus paellas e ilumina tus verduras crudas con nuestro delicado aceite de oliva Arbequina, que también funciona como un delicioso sustituto de la mantequilla en pasteles, cremas y postres.

SPLURGE ON FLAVOR, NOT PRICE: Enjoy award-winning, cold-pressed, single-estate, premium olive oil, imported from Chile, safeguarded in an elegant dark glass bottle, that’s less expensive than other luxury olive oils. | Disfrute de un aceite de oliva premiado, prensado en frío y de una sola fuente, salvaguardado en una elegante botella de vidrio oscuro, que es más barato que otros aceites de oliva de lujo.

GOURMET-IFY ANY DISH: Drizzle this fresh, extra-light, keto-friendly elixir into your favorite recipe and… Voila! You’ve magically transformed your meal. | Rocía éste excepcional elixir en su receta favorita y Voila! Haz transformado mágicamente tu comida.

BOOST YOUR VITALITY: Fuel your health with every drop of this buttery, raw and unrefined extra virgin olive oil, rich in vitamin E and extracted within no more than 4 hours of the harvest. | Aumenta tu salud con la abundancia de polifenoles e hidroxitirosol en cada gota de este aceite de oliva extra 100% puro y sin refinar.

Brand Las Doscientas
Flavor Arbequina Olive Oil
Special Feature Raw
Item Package Quantity 1
Item Form Oil
Las Doscientas Arbequina Olive Oil

Awards around the world

We have won the top awards for taste and quality in the USA, Italy and Israel.

Try the products for your self and you will be amazed at the amazing quality.

Our Products

We have three worldwide brands from one olive oil…

Arbequina / Picual Medium intensity.

Imported from Chile

We are located west of Talca, towards the coast and close to the old town of Pencahue. Over 1,000 hectares of olive tree farm.  We process the 1st stage within 4 hours of picking the olives to maintain high quality of olive oil.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

  • Perfect for frying & searing food.  Does not burn at high temperatures.
  • Antioxidants and Vitamins A, D, E and K.
  • 100% Natural without chemical components.